AP News: Gotham Government Relations LLC Joins Forces with The Auxiliary Police Benevolent Association of The City of New York
NEW YORK, NEW YORK, UNITED STATES, October 17, 2023 / EINPresswire.com / -- Gotham Government Relations LLC, a leading government relations firm, proudly announces its newest client, The Auxiliary Police Benevolent Association of The City of New York (APBA). Recognizing the recent decline and neglect of the Auxiliary Police Department in New York City, Gotham is committed to restoring and revitalizing this vital civilian branch of the NYPD.

For 60 years, the APBA has been a bastion of support, safeguarding the rights and welfare of New York City’s Auxiliary Police Officers. Throughout these years, they’ve represented their members and have been instrumental in ensuring that the sacrifices, courage, and contributions of the Auxiliary Police Officers are recognized. In the face of mounting challenges, changing political climates, and evolving societal needs, the APBA has been a steadfast beacon, adapting, fighting, and shielding its members while promoting the significance of the Auxiliary Police service to New York City’s communities.
Full Article: https://apnews.com/press-release/ein-presswire-newsmatics/new-york-city-london-ac9ad9d2ca2cd75dbefcebdc9a3a6694